Lint Shower Systems Lifestyles

Lint Shower Systems

Lint  - Lint Tile Logo

Construct a reliable, cost effective 100% waterproof and mold proof shower with our Lint Shower Systems Products.

Built to Last


10yr System Warranty

Prefabricated Modules

Shower Systems Niches Collection

Shower niches are a prefabricated building panel material line that offers 3 different sizes that vary by size and shelving options.

  • 16” x 16” x 4” #LSS-NI-12X12-GR
  • 16” x 24” x 4” #LSS-NI-12X20-GR
  • 16" x 16" x 4" #LSS-NI-12X12-GR
Shower Systems Curb 5ft
Shower Curbs

Where transitions are required, curbs for shower entry designs can be installed in Lint bases. Additionally, curbs may be used in conventional mortar bed systems.

  • Full Foam Curb 5’ #LSS-CU-4.5X3X60
Shower Systems Bases
Shower Bases

Shower bases are prefabricated modules that can be cut down or extended for customization.

  • 36” x 72” Offset Drain Base #LSS-BA-BASE-3X6
  • 36” x 60” Center Drain Base #LSS-BA-BASE-3X5
  • 48” x 72” Center Drain Base #LSS-BA-BASE-4X6

Panels, Extensions & Ramps

Shower Systems Wall Panels
Building Panels

Building Panels for shower walls are the ultimate versatile waterproof tile backer board often used within the range of shower systems, but equally compatible for walls, floors, countertops and other wet room applications.

  • 2’ x 8’ x 2” Wall Panel #LSS-PA-2X8-GR
  • 4’ x 5’ x 1/2” Wall Panel #LSS-PA-4X5-GR
  • 4’ x 8’ x 1/2” Wall Panel #LSS-PA-4X8-GR
Shower Systems Base Extensions

Prefabricated and pre-sloped shower floor extension panels connect to bases to expand the shower floor beyond the size of the base.

  • 12” x 72” Extension #LSS-EX-1X6-EX
  • 24” x 48” Extension #LSS-EX-2X4-EX

Accessories and Finishes

Shower Systems Installation Screws
Shower System Accessories
  • 1 ¼” Tab Washer and 1 5/8” Corrosion Resistant Screws. #LSS-FA-SCR-100
  • 20oz Joint Sealant Cartridge #LSS-SE-SEA-20
  • Joint Sealant Gun #LSS-SE-SEA-GUN
  • Joint Sealant Replacement Tip #LSS-SE-SEA-TIP
  • Joint Sealant Corner Tool #LSS-SE-SEA-TO
  • Pipe Collar Membrane #LSS-ME-PIP-COL
  • Mixing Valve Collar Membrane #LSS-ME-MIX-VAL
  • Inside Corners Membrane #LSS-ME-IN-CO
  • Outside Corners Membrane #LSS-ME-OUT-CO
  • Seam Tape Membrane #LSS-ME-SEA-TAP
  • Waterproofing Membrane #LSS-ME-WP-MEM
  • 100CT 1-5/8” Screws + Fasteners #LSS-FA-SCR-100
Shower Systems Drain Covers
Shower Finishes

LInt offers a variety of premium finishing upgrades that add perfect final touches to your bathroom design. Choose a premium drain cover that matches other fixtures in your bathroom.

  • Brushed Brass #LSS-DR-B-BRASS
  • Matte Black #LSS-DR-BLACK
  • Brushed Nickel #LSS-DR-B-NICKEL
  • Brushed Stainless Steel #LSS-DR-B-STAINLE
  • Chrome #LSS-DR-CHROME
  • Dark Bronze #LSS-DR-D-BRONZE
  • Tileable #LSS-DR-TILEABLE
No more presloping, pan liner cracks or membrane pin holes, clogged drain weepholes and mold growth. Plus, reduce the traditional installation time and down times for a full shower floor preparation for tiling from 2 – 3 days to now 30 minutes. Once installed it is a tough floor element with no sponginess which is known to be a characteristic to many foams and especially EPS or expanded polystyrene foams. Put up a ladder, walk on it or work on it without inflicting irreparable damage.

Catalogs and Installation Data

Sales Catalog

Shower Panels, Extensions, Bases, Niches & Accessories

Industry leaders in wetroom design and preparation.